Public Speaking +

We’re proud to have worked with many small businesses and Fortune 500 companies alike so you can trust that you’re in good hands.

With our commitment to meeting our community’s needs, it’s only made sense for us to inspire change via speaking engagements or by facilitating special off-site retreats for your company. Whether it’s supporting your company through team building, leading your crew through self-care work to support wellness and productivity, or speaking on a mental wellness/personal development subject that you feel would be of benefit, we’re here to help.

 Meet a Few of Our MT Speakers

Our comprehensive team of psychological wellness specialists has got the needs of your team covered.

At MT, our crew is just as equipped for structured psychology workshops as we are story-telling our way to research-supported education.

    • Understanding and supporting stress, psychological wellness, and nurturing vitality

    • Resilience and making the most of life and opportunities

    • Workplace connection and cohesion post-pandemic

    • Deepening career satisfaction, meaning, and vision

    • Supporting team wellness following particularly challenging times such as times of transition, change, or grief

    Here is a slide deck example from a talk that was crafted for a company wanting to support their employee’s connection to their career story and how to make the most of their placements.

    • We can facilitate half-day, full-day, and overnight retreats. In addition to psychological wellness and team cohesion, we also have certified yoga instructors that can facilitate movement elements to your retreat.

    • We work closely with the client to understand objectives and collaboratively create an agenda that suits your needs.

    • We provide the facilitation and can provide space for half-day and full-day retreats on our site or yours as desired. Overnight accommodation options would need to be identified by the client.

    Here is a retreat agenda example from an overnight retreat we facilitated.

    • Initial consult call to get a deeper understanding of your objectives, needs, and vision and our initial thoughts on how we can support your goals.

    • Collaborative feedback meeting(s) to review our initial outline for the talk or retreat and ensure our materials, slides, and execution are on-point.

    • Talks that are tailored to your company, your company’s culture, and mission. Knowing our audience and speaking their language is EVERYTHING to us.

    • Permission to record talks to allow for recurring value-add for your company.

    • All of our talks and retreats are experiential, empirically grounded in psychological theory and research, packed with practical actionables for your audience to immediately implement, and mindful of diversity and inclusion.

    To get a glimpse of a more purely creative, story-telling route, here’s Dr. B speaking about the role of compassion in the creation process. Please note, this was a community talk for creatives consistent with their organization’s desired presentation: video here.

Shoot us a contact form below to get the conversation started on what you need and how our team can tailor an experience to suit your goals.

View All of the Ways Our Team Can Support You